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1,700,000 men and women of the Commonwealth forces who died in the two world wars.
Find the graves of ancestors, create virtual memorials, add 'virtual flowers' and a note to a loved one's grave, etc.
Search over 6 Million Military Genealogy and Armed Forces war records exclusively cross matched with over 4000 units of the British Armed Forces going back to 1350.  (Subscription)
IWM is a family of five museums: IWM London; IWM North in Trafford, Greater Manchester; IWM Duxford near Cambridge; the Churchill War Rooms in Whitehall, London; and the historic ship HMS Belfast, moored in the Pool of London on the River Thames.
A site of remembrance and comprehensive guide to the military cemeteries and memorials around the world.
Contains photographs of all 940 cemeteries in France and Belgium
The War Graves Photographic Project is to photograph every war grave, individual memorial, Ministry of Defence grave, and family memorial of serving military personnel from WWI to the present day.
Search & find military records from the time of Great War of Independence to the First World War (WW1), Second World War (WW2).    (Subscription)
Library and Archives Canada holds extensive collections of military records.