Origin of Name:
Spelling variations of this family name include: Shotbolt, Shodbolte, Shadbolt, Shadbolte, Shadbole, Chadbolt, Chadbolte, Chatbolt, Shatbolt, Shutbolt, Shadbold, Shodbold, Chadbold and many more. First found in Hertfordshire where they were anciently seated as Lords of the Manor.
Family Connections:
(Hudson/Gray Lineage).
The Shadbolts are from the villages of Datchworth, Tewin, Digswell, and Burnham Green in Hertfordshire.
Edmund Shadbolt (1827) connects the families - he married Ann Grey (1828). (Ann's brother Thomas (1819) is the link to the Hudson Family).
In 1845 four Shadbolts were tried and convicted of breaking and entering. They were sentenced to transportation for periods ranging from 15 to 20 years and were transported to Norfolk Island near Australia.